I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere else other than LineageOS’ changelog, but today’s build (2023-06-11, LineageOS 20) for my OnePlus 8 Pro (instantnoodlep) comes with a new feature called Charging Control which gives us some control over the charging of our devices.

There are 4 options at the moment:

  • Off: default, starts charging right away.
  • Automatic schedule: based on your alarm.
  • Custom schedule: set the start time and target time to be fully charged.
  • Limit charging: set the max % your battery should charge to (between 70 and 100%).

If charging is restricted by your settings, you’ll see a notification. This notification takes you to the settings page… which is okay, but it would be nice if we could quickly resume charging/temporary disable the restriction directly from the notification.

Charging Control Notification

Some Android brands and iOS have offered it for years (with different levels of control), but it’s nice to see this coming to a popular custom ROM like LineageOS and, eventually, to many others that follow LineageOS closely.

The “limit charging” option will be useful on a phone I use as hotspot. It sometimes spends days connected to a charger and it gets a bit warm. Currently I use a Magisk module to limit charging and this will allow me to accomplish the same without doing anything more advanced.

Update February 2025:

This feature is still available in LineageOS 22 (Android 15), but the level of control still depends a lot on the device. For example, I can’t select the maximum battery level on my Pixel 8 Pro:

Pixel 8 Pro Battery Control