
By BigKaka.



This version supports .agc configs:


Update: The original files were updated by BigKaka a few hours after release. Files also updated here.

AGC 8.4.300 V12:

- Added Global patcher
- Added profile prefix name
- Added manual patcher count
- Added P5/P6 Tuning Night Mode Gain Multiplier, Sharpen Max Detail
- Fixed aux lens cannot use the manual noise model
- Fixed iso_max_zsl_analog missing when import xml
- Fixed the issue of forgetting to pass MaxAnalogSens to NoiseModel, which caused overexposure in shooting
- Fixed Unsafe app blocked by update to Android 12 SDK

AGC Toolkit 6.2.3:

- Download »

- Added Pixelation, Sketch, Crosshatch, Halftone, Emboss, Kuwahara filter


🗣 Discussion:

Versions from this modder may contain code from other developers.