
By BigKaka.



This version supports .agc configs:


AGC 9.6 V1.0:

This is a full-featured, full-libpatch version, with only a few features missing, and you can use 9.1, 9.2 config for it.

- Added Focus peaking 🔥
- Added LUT processing
- Added Lens Settings
- Added Libpatch Settings
- Added Developer Settings
- Added Watermark Settings
- Added Advanced Settings

- Tested on A14 and A15 only
- Samsung should not work, you can try to fix with dev settings

AGC Toolkit:

- Download »

- Added the ability to apply to become a configuration author

AGC Player:

One more thing, we bring a new app: AGC Player, it is a cross-platform player, just like infuse + kodi. Check it out on the website.


🗣 Discussion:

Versions from this modder may contain code from other developers.