By Hasli.
- LMC8.4_R18F1.apk (com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR18) #
- LMC8.4_R18F1_Snapcam.apk (org.codeaurora.snapcam) #
- LMC8.4_R18F1_Aweme.apk (com.ss.android.ugc.aweme) #
- LMC8.4_R18F1_Scan3D.apk (com.samsung.android.scan3d) #
- LMC8.4_R18F1_Google_Lens.apk (com.google.android.GoogleCameraEng) #
- LMC8.4_R18F1_Iris.apk (com.samsung.android.server.iris) #
LMC 8.4 Release 18
- Exposure slider on the left side of the screen in full height (in horizontal orientation from below).
- Mode and option buttons with popup list of other buttons (taken from ZGCam, modified by LMC).
- Vibration response buttons (AGC).
- Loading noise and AWB models. After selecting a custom model, you need to restart the application for the model to appear on the page (SGCam).
- Viewfinder frame rate (AE_AVAILABLE_TARGET_FPS_RANGES).
- Fixed default AUX for many devices (probably you won't have to change ID settings).
- Black theme, fixed display of the top bar, resizing of sliders, etc.
- There is no difference in quality, changes are only for ease of use. Configs from previous versions are suitable.
Buttons explanation:
Bar buttons:
Menu buttons:
🗣 Discussion: