By Hasli.
- LMC8.3_Release_2_LMC.apk (com.camera.lmc83r2) #
- LMC8.3_Release_2_Scan3D.apk (com.samsung.android.scan3d) #
- LMC8.3_Release_2_Aweme.apk (com.ss.android.ugc.aweme) #
- LMC8.3_Release_2_Meitu.apk (com.meitu.meiyancamera) #
- LMC8.3_Release_2_Snap.apk (org.codeaurora.snapcam) #
- LMC8.3_Release_2_GLens.apk (com.google.android.GoogleCameraEng) #
- LMC8.3_Release_2_Samsung.apk (com.samsung.lmc.r2) #
Changes in LMC 8.3 R2:
☑️ The following has been added to the LMC Tweaks section:
- maximum viewfinder brightness;
- disable zoom in portrait mode;
- starting value of digital zoom;
- fix for some AUX issues for Oppo, Realme devices;
- fix for image resolution for 16:9 aspect ratio;
- added Custom Sensor Resolution (in some cases it helps to set the correct size from RAW).
☑️ Manual HEX added to PRO mode
☑️ Android 10 support
☑️ Exposure correction, Hexagon disable, zoom values and restart fixed
☑️ Dynamic Black Level fixed (@xenius9, @jairo_rossi)
☑️ Sharp New 1.2 and HDR Sabre Calc Val 1.2 added to Sharpness section
☑️ Audio source selection added for video
☑️ Slow-mo video fixed (only 1/4x works)
☑️ Video bitrate fixed
☑️ Vignette Setting added to Fine Color Settings section
☑️ Near-zero settings for Luma and others where this array is used expanded
☑️ CCT fixes and AWB profiles added for Nubia
☑️ LUT Noise Fix and Polysharp values expanded Radius
☑️ Tone curve from @Akradii_prwsv added to Curves section (many thanks)
☑️ Partial fix for Astro shooting
☑️ Exposure slider fix in HDRNet mode (many thanks for the fix @jairo_rossi and @Sr_Unknown)
🤝 We would like to thank @xenius9 for his great contribution and help in working on the release project.
‼️ For the settings to work correctly, it is recommended to use the config from scratch. However, configs from version R1 are supported, but some new fixes may not work ‼️
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UKR 💳 5355280019046919
Google Play Protect warning:
If you have Play Protect enabled, you might see a warning on mods based on older GCam versions. To install, click on "more details" and then "install anyway":
🗣 Discussion: