By Shamim.
- SGCAM_8.8.224.10_STABLE_V8Fix_shamim.apk (
What's new!!
- Added switch preference instead of checkbox preference in Developer settings. Added summery for all preferences. Now dev settings UI looks better than before. And also fixed input type of those preferences.
- Added more few opmode values in arraylist. Thanks @IamVamsiK
- Now added support for .txt and .gawb file both on awb loader. Also added support QcColorCalibration_grgb value. You can load that value from file if the value exist on the .txt or .gawb file.
- If you write changelog and nickname on xml, then it will show on viewfinder after loading xml and many more things added.
- Fixed video for few Samsung devices. Thanks @Butterfly3ffect
- Clean installation is required. Previous xmls won't work in this build.
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