Stable GCam Versions
About this list:
Versions known to work on many phones. They may not be the best APKs, but they're more likely to work on your device. Useful for new users.
Check the "how to use" page to learn how to find a good version, how to install it, and compatibility information. If you need help, check the frequent questions page or find a forum thread or group for your phone. Files are grouped by GCam version (differences between versions).
You'll find more than one file below. Don't panic! Try the first one, if it doesn't work, try the second (and so on).
Google Camera 9.x (Android 12+) »
- For Android 12 and above, but some versions work on Android 11. For older Android versions, use GCam 8 or older.
- To avoid issues when seeing pictures from inside GCam, install the Google Photos app.
- If there's a "config" link next to the file, follow it and see if a config is available for your phone.
- Some releases have more than one apk. When in doubt, install the first one (learn more here).
- BSG 9.2: MGC_9.2.113_A11_V29 (BSG, 2024-10-05, configs, android 11+)
- BigKaka 9.2: AGC9.2.14_V14.0 (BigKaka, 2025-01-16, configs)
- BigKaka 9.1: AGC9.1.24_V15 (BigKaka, 2024-04-24, configs)
- BSG 9.1: MGC_9.1.098_A11_15 (BSG, 2024-03-30, configs, android 11+)
- Shamim 9.1: SGCAM_9.1.098.24_STABLE_V10 (Shamim, 2023-11-13)
Google Camera 8.6 - 8.9 (Android 11+) »
- For Android 11 and above. For Android 9 and 10, see the section below (GCam 8.1-8.5).
- To avoid issues when seeing pictures from inside GCam, install the Google Photos app.
- If there's a "config" link next to the file, follow it and see if a config is available for your phone.
- Some releases have more than one apk. When in doubt, install the first one (learn more here).
- BSG 8.9: MGC_8.9.097_A11_V25 (BSG, 2024-02-28, configs)
- BSG 8.8: MGC_8.8.224_A11_V14a (BSG, 2023-11-14, configs)
- BigKaka 8.8: AGC8.8.224_V10.0 (BigKaka, 2024-12-31, configs)
- BSG 8.7: MGC_8.7.250_A11_V15 (BSG, 2023-04-02, configs)
- BigKaka 8.7: AGC_8.7.250_V6.0 (BigKaka, 2023-05-13, configs)
- Arnova 8.7: (Arnova8G2, 2023-06-03)
- Shamim 8.8: SGCAM_8.8.224.10_STABLE_V19 (Shamim, 2023-10-29, configs)
- MWP 8.8: Gcam_8.8.224_V5.0 (MWP, 2024-08-14, configs, pixel)
Google Camera 8.1 - 8.5 (Android 10+) »
- To avoid issues when seeing pictures from inside GCam, install the Google Photos app.
- If there's a "config" link next to the file, follow it and see if a config is available for your phone.
- Some releases have more than one apk. When in doubt, install the first one (learn more here).
- BSG's 8.1: MGC_8.1.101_A9_GV2b (BSG, 2022-05-31, configs)
- BigKaka 8.4: AGC8.4.300_V13 (BigKaka, 2024-09-30, configs)
- Hasli's 8.4 r18: LMC8.4_R18 (Hasli, 2023-06-14, configs)
- Shamim 8.5: SGCAM_8.5.300.XX.10_STABLE_V21 (Shamim, 2025-01-28, configs)
- Greatness' 8.2: GCam8.2.204_Greatness.230503 (Greatness, 2023-05-03, configs)
- Nikita's 8.2: NGCam_8.2.300-v1.8 (Nikita, 2022-06-05, configs)
- Wichaya's 8.1: GCam_8.1.101_Wichaya_V1.6 (Wichaya, 2022-08-12, configs)
- Arnova's 8.1: (Arnova8G2, 2021-10-14, configs)
- Urnyx's 8.1: PXv8.1_GCam-v1.2 (cstark27/Urnyx05, 2021-01-25)
Other important versions:
- Wyroczen's 8.0: GoogleCamera_8.0_Wyroczen_Alpha (wyroczen, 2020-11-04, mediatek)
- MPV's 8.4: Gcam_8.4.300_V2_Final (MWP, 2023-08-21, pixel)
- MPV's 8.3: Gcam_8.3.252_V2.0c_MWP (MWP, 2022-03-27, pixel)
Google Camera 7.3+ (Android 9+) »
- To avoid issues when seeing pictures from inside GCam, install the Google Photos app.
- If there's a "config" link next to the file, follow it and see if a config is available for your phone.
- 7.3 through 7.6 are small updates. Not all modders released new versions. See the 7.2 section below.
- Urnyx's 7.3 v2.6: GCam_7.3.018_Urnyx05-v2.6.apk (Urnyx05, 2021-11-22, configs)
- Arnova's 7.4 Beta: GCam_5.2beta3.201006.2045build-7.4.104.apk (Arnova8G2, 2020-10-08, configs)
- BSG's 7.4 v0a: MGC_7.4.104_V0a.apk (BSG, 2020-02-16)
- Nikita's 7.4 v2.0: NGCam_7.4.104-v2.0 (Nikita, 2020-12-06, configs)
- Wichaya 7.3 v 3.1.1: GCam_7.3.018_Urnyx05-v2.1_Wichaya_V3.1.1.apk (Wichaya, 2020-12-15, configs)
- Greatness 7.3 v2.3: Gcam7.3.018_Greatness.Build2.3.apk (Greatness, 2020-11-29, configs)
Other important versions:
- wyroczen's 7.3 v2: GCam_RN8P_Wyroczen_7.3.020_2.0.apk (wyroczen, 2020-03-27, redmi note 8 pro / mediatek, configs, changelog)
- Zoran's 7.4: ZGCAM_7.4_V1.03415.apk (Zoran, 2022-04-26, configs, compatible with exynos)
- the_dise's v4.5: DMGC_7.3.020_ver.4.5.apk (the_dise, 2020-06-24, changelog)
- San1ty's Sv10.6.2b: PocoSv10.6.2b.apk (san1ty, 2020-03-27, poco x2, changelog)
- San1ty's Sv10.4: PocoSv10.4.apk (san1ty, 2020-03-18, poco f1, changelog)
Google Camera 7.2 (Android 9+) »
Note: If there's a "config" link next to the file, follow it and see if a config is available for your phone.
- Urnyx's 2.3: GCam_7.2.010_Urnyx05-v2.3.apk (Urnyx05, 2020-02-19, configs, changelog)
- Arnova's Beta 6: GCam_5beta6.200105.0445build-7.2.018.apk (Arnova8G2, 2020-01-06, configs, changelog)
- BSG's V0b: MGC_7.2.018_RPII.MiVIII_V0b.apk (BSG, 2019-12-21)
- Sanity's 2.1: F1MinimalMod2.1.apk (san1ty, 2020-02-17, poco f1, mi8, mix2s, mix 3, changelog)
- cstark's PXv4.5: PXv4.5_GoogleCamera_7.2.014.apk (cstark27, 2020-09-04, pixel)
- the_dise's v3.15: DMGC_7.2.018_ver.3.15.apk (the_dise, 2020-02-15, changelog)
Google Camera 6.2/6.3 (Android 9+) »
- For Android 9 or newer. See GCam 6.1 below for Android 8.
- On some phones, GCam 6.x doesn't work on Android 10 or newer. Use GCam 7+.
- Arnova's 6.2.030 v2.2: Gcam_6.2.030_Advanced_V2.2.190716.1800-Final.apk (Arnova8G2, 2019-07-16, changelog)
- BSG's RP2 V5: MGC_6.2.030_RazerPhone2_V5.apk (BSG, 2019-06-26)
- BSG's MI9SE V4_P2: MGC_6.2.030_MI9SE_V4_plus2.apk (BSG, 2019-06-22)
- Urnyx's 2.5: GCam-6.2.030_Arnova8G2_Urnyx05-v2.5.apk (Urnyx05, 2019-09-20, changelog)
- San1ty's F1v9.5: F1v9.5_6.2.030.apk (san1ty, 2019-08-16, changelog)
- Savitar's 2l: sav2l-sign_plus.apk (Arnova8G2/Savitar, 2019-09-07, changelog)
- the_dise's v1.6: DMGC_6.2.030_ver.1.6-PE.apk (the_dise, 2019-07-01, changelog)
Google Camera 6.1 (Android 8+) »
- Based on GCam 6.1, for Android 8 or newer.
- On some phones, GCam 6.x doesn't work on Android 10 or newer. Use GCam 7+.
- Arnova's Advanced 1.7: Gcam_6.1.021_Advanced_V1.7.190716.1800.apk (Arnova8G2, 2019-07-16, configs, changelog)
- BSG V2e: MGC_6.1.021_MI8_V2e.apk (BSG, 2019-02-08)
- BSG V2a: MGC_6.1.021_RazerPhone2_V2a.apk (BSG, 2019-03-05
- Arnova's Advanced 1.6: Gcam_6.1.021_Advanced_V1.6.190614.0200.apk (Arnova8G2, 2019-06-14, configs, changelog)
- Zoran GCam 6.1: ZGCAM_3.8.01149_BSG_Arnova_6.1.apk (Zoran, 2020-05-10, compatible with exynos)
Google Camera 5 (Android 8+) »
Versions based on GCam 5 are for Android 8 or newer, but some older apks also work on Android 7.
- Arnova's v8.3b1: a pixel-like experience and no config needed. Doesn't require a camera fix anymore on some phones.
- Arnova's v8: similar to Arnova's v8.3b1. Use if you have issues with v8.3b1.
- Arnova's v7beta9: try this one if the two above fail to work.
- Arnova's v8.3b1: GCam-5.1.018-Pixel2Mod-Arnova8G2-V8.3b1.apk (Arnova8G2, 2018-08-25, changelog)
- Arnova's v8.2: GoogleCamera-Pixel2Mod-Arnova8G2-V8.2.apk (Arnova8G2, 2018-08-13, changelog)
- Arnova's v8.1: GoogleCamera-Pixel2Mod-Arnova8G2-V8.1.apk (Arnova8G2, 2018-07-22, suggested settings, changelog)
- Arnova's v8: GoogleCamera-Pixel2Mod-Arnova8G2-V8.apk (Arnova8G2, 2018-06-19, suggested settings, changelog)
- Arnova's v7.9.9: GoogleCamera-Pixel2Mod-Arnova8G2-V7.9.9.apk (Arnova8G2, 2018-06-05, changelog)
- Arnova's v7beta9: GoogleCamera-Pixel2Mod-Arnova8G2-V7beta-test-9.apk (Arnova8G2, 2018-03-25, suggested settings, changelog)
- Arnova's v1.2: GCam5.1.018-Arnova8G2-V1.2.apk (Arnova8G2, 2017-12-11, suggested settings, changelog)
Google Camera 4 (Android 7+) »
Old versions, useful for Android 7 users. Minimal features.
- BSG v4.0: MGCB_7.0H_C2API_v.4.0_AllinOne_Full_Manual.apk (BSG, 2017-09-27)
- ivanich v1.4_v3: MGCB_7.0H_C2API_Full_PXL2_v.1.4_60FPS_noburst_v3.apk (ivanich, 2017-08-27, android 7 only)
Google Camera 3 (Android 6+) »
Old versions, useful for Android 6 users and phones with 32-bit processors.
Note: Google Play Protect might warn you about very old apps. See the help page for more details.
- MGC_3.2.045_A6-A13_32-64_V7 (BSG, 2023-07-26, android 6+, 32+64bit)
- MGC_3.2.045_A6-A13_32-64_V0 (BSG, 2023-05-24, android 6+, 32+64bit)
Nothing works?
If none of the versions linked above work on your device, it's possible that regular GCam doesn't work on your phone. Test one of the Camera Go Mods instead.