



[ Source. ]

⚠️Please uninstall previous version, and clear data before use!⚠️

Package name:

+ Added IQ_hybrid lib from R0m10 thanks for him
+ Added option for automatically saving portrait photos to DCIM/Camera/ folder
+ Added Auto FPS video recording for better noise reduction
+ Added camera model selection for back & front cam ( experimental )
+ Fixing HDR toggle button, thanks to Abhi & Wichaya
+ Clean & fix some code for increase stability
+ Changed viewfinder format to YUV in Night Sight mode, thanks to Abhi
+ Re-activated motion blur & quick video recording
+ Fixing Libpatcher items value
+ Re arrange menu
+ Re design sabre toggle button
+ Fixing manual slider margin layout

- Removed max zoom feature ( not stable on Android 11 )

Thanks, Hatur nuhun..

7.3.020-MWP-Snapper-V7 01 7.3.020-MWP-Snapper-V7 02 7.3.020-MWP-Snapper-V7 03 7.3.020-MWP-Snapper-V7 04

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