
By Marco.



By marco and jean-luc. Shared here. Don't spam the group if you don't have a OP6/6T.

Changelog v2.2.2
- added Postcard XML
- added Vivacolor XML
- fixed AWB button to show all AWB modes (not only off and p2)
- changed lib path to minikon xml folder, so no complications with other gcams using this method
- hotfix for freezing on OOS 10.0.1 and latest beta
(on those OOS versions raw10 is forced to raw_sensor and sabre off, so you can use all XMLs but without SRZ working for now)
Re-enable and use following XMLs (if you used them before):
Juan srz, Leica, Pix-pocket, Ultra, Velvia, Zoom and Colorful


This version comes with some built-in configs for the OnePlus 6/6T.

If you have a different phone, you can try one of the configs for versions from Arnova8G2, but keep in mind that this apk was modded to work on the OP6/6T. Configs are located inside /GCam/Configs/Minikon.

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