
By burial.




[ Via Google Translate. Source. ]

1. Added noise model selection (Thanks to Kuro Shi for the address)
2. Added selection of compression quality jpg (Thanks Urnyx05 for the help)
3. Added astrophoto and light painting buttons in night mode (Thanks to cstark and Parrot043 for the code)
4. Added a Saber switch (it is always off at super-wide. Always off on TV on simple MI9)
5. Removed the video stabilization button (still does not work)
6. The default maximum digital zoom is x10. From x30 periodically crashed
7. Maybe something else, a little


- Yandex Money: yoomoney.ru/to/4100111067849181
- Russian group: t.me/joinchat/IVAaFBQBBwjSOSb7J02THw
- Telegram channel: @burial_channel

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