Cam Patch Reborn

Check the Mi A1 Camera Patches page for the latest version.

Magisk module for the Xiaomi Mi A1, created by nhappymann and overwhelmer.


Module to patch photos and video recording. Max resolution 12.6MP(4096×3072), Tele Sensor Fix, Accurate focus on photo/video, 30/60 fps video on main rear camera and 30 fps on front camera. Better bitrate on video and audio, better stabilization on 30/60, enabled 2api, fluencepro and better EIS for GCam. Enabled longest possible exposure for all 3 cameras (1/3sec in BACK cameras and 1.11sec in FRONT camera). Min/Max Analog ISO 50/1600.



  • Enabled max possible long exposure in all 3 cameras.(1/3sec on BACK cameras, 1.11sec on FRONT camera)
  • Min/Max analog ISO set to 50/1600 for all 3 Cameras
  • 720p/1080p Stable 60fps video recording on main back camera in all conditions.
  • It already includes Telemodule by SerJo87 so don’t need to flash it separately
  • Changes in auxpackageblacklist


  • Android 9+
  • Magisk 19.0 or newer


  • Flash in Magisk Manager.
  • Reboot


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