Google Camera for Redmi Note 8 Pro
Some of the benefits of GCam over the stock camera app include:
- Better details and dynamic range;
- Better low light performance;
- Features like Night Mode, Astrophotograpy, Motion Photos, etc;
On this page we list some known to be stable versions of GCam for the Note 8 Pro.
If you have never installed an APK file before, learn How To Install APK files and then try the versions listed below.
Download GCam:
If in doubt, simply use the first version listed below. A newer GCam 8 version is also available, but it may not be as stable.
Google Camera 7.3 (Stable, Android 9+) »
GCam 7 with features like astrophotography:
- GCam_RN8P_Wyroczen_7.3.020_2.0.apk (wyroczen, 2020-03-27, configs, changelog)
⚠️ After installing the app, download one of the configurations for this phone (how load config files).
Google Camera 6.1 (Stable, Android 9+) »
From wyroczen, based on GCam 6.1. No astrophotography mode, but it’s the most stable for the Redmi Note 8.
- MGC_6.1_RN8P_Edition_4.75.apk (wyroczen, 2020-03-05, configs, changelog)
⚠️ After installing the app, download one of the configurations for this phone (how load config files).
Help and more info:
If you need help or want to discuss this with other users, check the following links:
- Telegram group
- XDA thread
- Redmi Note 8 Pro Buffer Fix (ROOT)
- How to install APK files
- How to load config files
- ARCore and Playground
Thanks to wyroczen (donation link) and everyone else involved with development and testing.
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