Google Camera for the OnePlus Nord
On this page you’ll find stable APKs for the Nord. If unsure which version to use, simply use the first version listed below. If this is the first time installing an APK file, please check the How to install APK files guide.
Download GCam for OnePlus Nord:
- If in doubt, simply download the first apk listed below.
- To avoid issues when viewing photos from inside GCam, keep the Google Photos app installed (no need to login).
Google Camera 8 (Stable, Android 10+) »
Based on the most recent GCam 8. Stable, works fine on the Nord.
8.2 by Greatness:
- GCam8.2.204_Greatness.230503 (Greatness, 2023-05-03, configs)
8.1 by Wichaya:
- GCam_8.1.101_Wichaya_V1.4 (Wichaya, 2021-08-03, configs)
Google Camera 7 (Stable, Android 9+) »
7.3 by Wichaya:
GCam 7.3, based on a version from Urnyx05.
- GCam_7.3.018_Urnyx05-v2.1_Wichaya_V3.1.1.apk (Wichaya, 2020-12-15, configs)
7.4 by Nikita:
GCam 7.4, based on work from Arnova8G2, BSG, and other modders.
- NGCam_7.4.104-v2.0 (Nikita, 2020-12-06, configs)
While GCam works on the Nord, access to all cameras was only possible due to the work of the community as OnePlus – for some reason – decided not to expose the auxiliary cameras via the camera API. In any case:
- No root/magisk required.
- All main GCam features work.
- All cameras work (back: main, wide, macro; front: main, wide).
Limitations, compared to stock:
- No access to 48MP on the back camera (OnePlus limitation).
- Slow motion and video recording isn’t as good as stock.
- GCam double exposure doesn’t work on non-Pixel phones.
Overall, GCam support on the OnePlus Nord is good.
GCam is able to get more detailed and more realistic colours than the stock/OnePlus camera app and performs better in low light. For video, the stock app is probably better, specially when it comes to stabilisation.
OxygenOS 10 vs 11:
OxygenOS 10 (Android 10) or any custom ROM (Android 10 or 11) with any package name:
✅ Front main
✅ Front wide
✅ Rear main
✅ Rear wide
✅ Rear macro
❌ Rear depth
OxygenOS 11 + the “snapcam” package:
✅ Front main
❌ Front wide
✅ Rear main
✅ Rear wide
❌ Rear macro
❌ Rear depth
OxygenOS 11 + other packages:
✅ Front main
❌ Front wide
✅ Rear main
❌ Rear wide
❌ Rear macro
❌ Rear depth
The difference between OxygenOS 10 and 11 is clear.
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