Config created by EGOIST for S20 FE and shared on his telegram group. It's focused on quality and details. Join the group to get the latest files and for support.
When using this config, you should use mainly two profiles (top right icon on the viewfinder): "Main" (or "Bright", if pictures are too dark) and "Motion". The first one (main/bright) is better when there's enough light or you don't need speed. The second (motion) is faster and so it's a better option for indoors or when there's movement.
If you find the viewfinder to be too "cluttered" with the sliders and focus info, go to Settings and under "manual controls" disable what you don't want.
Specifically made for AGC8.4.300_V9.6, you need to use samsung apks (_ruler or_scan3d). Do not use newer 8.4 versions!
This config must be used with a custom lib created by EGOIST, so download both files:
GCam supports different types of frame merging. Both libs linked above use M1 merge (faster processing), the slower M3 merge sometimes has better details and less noise under certain conditions. These are two M3 alternatives to the libs listed above:
abcdefv3.agc ported to S20 FE SD.
* camera IDs and order
* removed 10x settings
* tweaked minimum MF distance for 1x and 3x
Profile1, Main/HHC (high highlight control):
It has darker look to it just like my old public version and should be used in good light only
Recommended mode : HDRe but u can use all 3 modes (zsl, hdre, nightsight)
Profile2, Bright/LHC (low highlight control):
Its same as main profile1 but brighter with less highlight control, good for those who been asking for a brighter profile since day1😂
Recommended mode : HDRe but u can use all 3 modes (zsl, hdre, nightsight)
Profile3, Night:
Good for mid to low light and indoor scenes
Recommended mode : HDRe and Nightsight but u can use all 3 modes (zsl, hdr, nightsight)
Profile4, Motion:
Good for taking pic of kids, pets and moving objects
Recommended mode : HDRe and Nightsight modes, do not use ZSL in this profile
Profile5, SuperCrispy:
Good for very dark scenes to get perfect black or just for fun
Recommended mode : HDRe but u can use all 3 modes
Profile6, FlatCrispy/LC (low contrast):
Same as profile5 but lower contrast
Profile7, Soft/DZ/P (Digital zoom)/(Portrait):
A soft profile, great for night and indoor ZSL and human shots and portraits and digital zoom
Profile8, SoftNight:
Just like profile7 but for mid to low light scenes
Profile9, Flat LDR:
Same as profile6 FlatCrispy but for using it in day and goodlight
Profile10, Vivid/Punchy:
A profile for taking vivid and punchy shots like food shots and flower shots and summer shots
Profile11, Black&White:
Self explanatory
Profile12, Instant/ZSL:
An all around ZSL profile to be used in all lighting, switching to this profile will set it automatically in zsl mode and u dont need to switch modes
Profile5,6,8,9,10,11 are there only for my pleasure and users might not find it useful. They r fun profiles and users can hide them if they dont use it.
Please visit his telegram group for the latest version and support.