By Aliaksandr, for AGC9.2v13 and the Galaxy S23 Ultra.



My new config v53 for AGC 9.2v13 and S23U:
1. Continue balancing Balanced* profiles
2. Updated max ISO levels for all modules
3. Small changes for noise reduction configuration


  1. Download BigKaka's 9.2 (use samsung, ruler or aweme packages)
  2. Download the configs from the list above
  3. Open GCam and allow all permissions, including file access
  4. Move the config files to "/Download/AGC.9.2/configs/"
  5. In GCam, load the config by pressing the profiles button (top right corner) » "load configs" » select config » "load"
  6. Done

Profiles Description:

Generally, LDR profiles handle better motion and have deeper shadows and better volume than HDR profiles, HDR profiles have brighter shadows and better highlights because use merging frames with different exposures, especially in night mode.

Config versions:


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