This is a config by Ruban for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 11.

There are 3 files. A config (.xml) and 2 noise models (.c), you need to download and use all 3:


  1. Download, install, and then open SGCAM_8.5 v12
  2. Download all files above (config + noise models)
  3. Move the config "PDX_v5.0_final_spes_sgc85300_1307.xml" to SGCAM\8.5.300\XML\
  4. Move the other ".c" files to SGCAM\8.5.300\NOISE MODELER\
  5. Open GCam, double click the black area around the shutter/capture button, select the config (PDX_v5...), and load it
  6. Use GCam!

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